Elon Musk Uses Image Without Permission or Credit, Begins Blocking Anyone Who Challenges Him

Elon Musk Uses Image Without Permission or Credit, Begins Blocking Anyone Who Challenges Him

Tesla and SpaceX entrepreneur Elon Musk has been outed for blocking anyone who calls him out for posting photographers’ images without permission or credit. Numerous photographers have jumped in to defend Richard Angle, who took the photo that Musk tweeted to his 27 million followers.

Yesterday Musk posted a tweet containing the caption “Ride the lightning!” along with a photo of a lightning strike to his legions of fans. The photo has acquired over 1,200 comments, 6,600 Retweets, and 77,000 likes at the time of writing.


Angle, the photographer behind the image in question, has shot many launches throughout his career. He wasn’t credited by Musk for the posting of his photo, besides a tiny watermark that remained in the corner. After Angle tweeted about the lack of credit, the photo community rallied around him, asking Musk to respect copyright and not publish work without permission and credit.


Musk’s response was less than favorable, in that he has begun blocking anyone tweeting him asking him to credit photographers for their images.

What’s surprising, though, is that Musk appears to be actively blocking those who are calling him out over this copyright issue. One photographer got blocked for for messaging Musk, “You should credit the photographer @RDAnglePhoto.”

Later, Angle added:

 I appreciate everyone that said I deserved credit for my work, we all do […] I [I appreciate everyone] who got blocked by Elon. I don’t think you should have, you are just doing what’s right.

Jack Alexander's picture

A 28-year-old self-taught photographer, Jack Alexander specialises in intimate portraits with musicians, actors, and models.

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LOL...and we are surprised?

Anytime you speak to an entertainer etc you pretty much get the same response.

Corporate Imperialism at it's best.

Yes, doesn't matter what industry. Entertainers are incorporated and run corporations you know.

It's all greed and power trips.

Musk's tweet is already deleted, no surprise

thank god the law disagrees with you

Made him remove the tweet at least?

Sure, directly the law didn't do it. But if there were no law in the first place he would have just gave everyone the finger and left it up.

So are you giving free license to use your images now? I see you have a website, instagram, and facebook. I could use some of those as stock images so thank you in advance!

"post an image on the net it's free game" sounds like a pretty good invitation to me.

Don't waste your time and energy with them. It seems there are a too many trolls here. Just offer them a ><(((°>

I understood what you meant as soon as I read it. It's now a world of "knee jerk" reactions. However you probably should have added "and I don't like it either" to the post. But you're right. If someone wants to steal a photo off the net they will, even if you put a big watermark on it, they probably still will. Unfortunately that's how the world operates too often.

I get it. I get what your saying, I understand. I can wrap my head around it. But when a bunch of people are calling you out for something you said, maybe, just maybe, you're the asshole who is refusing to look at it from the others point of view?

(Also, I might just point out that, there hasn't been any legal consequences *YET*. Doesn't mean there will be none)

I get where you're coming from. You're pointing out the way it seems to be. You're not condoning the behaviour.

@ Jonathon Rusnak...No, Musk is just another run-of-the-mill asshole that stole someone else's photo and used it without permission or giving them credit. Period. You'd be the first crybaby to whine if someone stole one of your photos and used it without permission.

That only makes sense if Tim Cray was at your house and discovered the backed up toilet before you

Okay now that makes sense

Well, knucklehead...your comment claiming a person posting a photo on the net makes it "free game" can only be construed as your approval of him "stealing" someone else's work without permission or being given the proper credit. And for you information genius, my comprehension level is as far above yours as a human's is above an amoeba. Furthermore, you don't make enough money to afford my services.

If that's the best you can do for a rebuttal, I suggest you refrain from making any further comments on the articles posted on this website.

That's Mr. Cray to you knucklehead.

… yet you missed the sarcasm in Jonathan's comment in question.

Perhaps. However, I don't associate with sarcastic assholes.

Nah, you're simply obtuse. The OP was quite clear in its meaning.

A "run of the mill asshole" who happens to be an utterly brilliant billionaire.

Most millionaires and billionaire ARE assholes. He could've easily paid a photographer to take a photo of a lightning strike without STEALING another photographer's copyrighted photo.

Stealing in caps


I used uppercase letters to emphasize my point. But, since you're a knucklehead, I suppose that was too much for your limited comprehension level to understand. End of discussion.

I'm a "knucklehead" and apparently so is every one of your other interlocutors.

You aren't worth anyone's time, you worthless piece of shit.

I told you once, Knucklehead..."End of discussion." It's painfully obvious your limited comprehension level is showing again.

You can only imagine how inconsolable I am that you don't want to talk to me.

As a total aside, I'm not at all surprised to see a single terrible photograph in your portfolio; one does hope you are a better plumber than you are a photographer. You couldn't be more pathetic if you tried.

I never professed or implied that I did photography for a living. You're just another stupid asshole that can think of nothing better as a rebuttal to my comment. And for your information, the photo that I posted is straight out of the camera. Unlike you, I don't need to post process my photos to make everyone think I'm a photographer. And the only "pathetic" one on this site is you. I refuse to converse with a mentally defenseless person. Now, go over there in the corner and be real still.

The guy who abuses all and sundry casting aspersions upon the cognitive abilities of others.

Tell me again how you are super smart because you are a plumber.

I said nothing about you stating or implying you are a professional photographer - indeed, I specifically referenced that you are a plumber - I said your photography is garbage. It doesn't matter whether an image is straight from camera or post processed, quality is quality and vice versa.

You stupid motherfucker.

PS. Just so we're clear, most of my colour work has minimal post. You can't even get that right.

Yea, right. The only reason you claim my photo is garbage is due to the fact that you didn't have a better argument to support your position. Furthermore, I don't need to defend my position to you or anyone else. And for your information genius, my intelligence level has nothing to do with my profession. However, if you weren't so ignorant, you'd know it requires years of education and on-the-job experience to attain the level of Master Plumber. The State doesn't just hand out those licenses. If you were half as intelligent as you want everyone else to believe, you wouldn't criticize another person's photography. Instead, you would offer constructive advice. Just so we're clear...your photos are NOT that good. Oh! One more thing. Your language is all the evidence I need to confirm your level of intelligence. Period. On that note, do not interact with me again. Thank you.

- Terrible backdrop
- Subject is whole animal, but you have centered the face, meaning you have empty space at right of frame.
- harsh single source lighting.
- utterly bland posing.


Try again. Try harder

The fact that you have posted one image, and you defend its quality, would suggest that is the best you can do.

Yes, I'm sure you are a competant plumber. lol

I am inclined to reflect that some of the most stupid people I have known have been successful university students; but sure, you passed a trade test and have trade experience...

And just so we are clear, I'm not the one telling others how smart I am; apealling to my profession and education.

As to interracting with you, you have abused a bunch of people, trying to provoke fights - this is what you wanted, right? You have also previously informed me twice that this conversation is over, and yet you keep coming back.


For you information, Retard...it was a spur of the moment photo. I didn't pose my dog. No, you're the one that keeps commenting when I state the "discussion is over." Now, let's try this one more time and perhaps your juvenile level of comprehension will somehow seep through to your consciousness. Discussion over.


"Spur of the moment" garbage.


Now it's your turn, genius plumber.

I've absolutely no doubt I'm more intelligent that you, Pal.

Yes, and that's what you'll tell everyone.

This is epic. Lololol

So tell me more about how you're super smart.

How about you demonstrating how intelligent you are by not talking to me EVER again. Or, is this simple sentence beyond your comprehension level?

You cannot help yourself, can you, Genius Plumber?

Anyway, why would I stop? You simply cannot buy entertainment this good anywhere.

You're still commenting on my posts. I've been reading your comments on other articles. You're nothing more than an argumentative little punk. Why don't you just shut the fuck up and move retard?

Elon Musk wants to be Tony Stark so bad but then he speaks.

I literally just spat out my beer at that! hahaha

but then he speaks, and out jumps Justin Hammer.


This is a prime example of why I refuse to participate in platforms like Twitter and Instagram, or even post images here at Fstoppers, because I would be sickened if I saw this happen to one of my works, that I spent time and money creating, only to be ripped off by some rich scumbag...

Good on the photographer for standing up for himself, and others rallying to his side!

I blocked @elonmusk

Turning into a bit of a tosser, isn't he.

Turning into? :-)

Boom! I was being diplomatic. :D

Same thing if you post thoughtful, well-reasoned comments (ha ha) to any of the Tesla fanboy websites, particularly the one owned and operated by a Tesla investor. Your best efforts are all for naught.

Wonder how that "pedo guy" lawsuit will play out. Most likely all will be sworn to silence and money will exchange hands.


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